Happy Holidays from BenBella Books!
From all of us at BenBella Books, we wish you a happy holiday season!
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From all of us at BenBella Books, we wish you a happy holiday season!
We’re excited to announce a new project in the works!
May 2017 marks the end of the twelfth season of the CW hit Supernatural, a television show about two demon-hunting brothers (and an angel) that is at the center of a fan community as tight-knit as family—a virtual support system that spans the globe. …
The Washington BookReview was recently kind enough to review one of our newest cookbooks, Pure Food: A Chef’s Handbook for Eating Clean, with Healthy, Delicious Recipes by Kurt Beecher Dammeier.
One line in this review that makes us especially proud came at the end:
Pure Food is the story of one of the world’s greatest chefs and his struggle to provide pure food in restaurants. …
You’ve probably heard of Real Madrid; after all, it is the most successful sports team on the planet. The soccer (or football, globally) club has more trophies than any other sports team, including 11 UEFA Champions League trophies. Real Madrid has over 80 million Facebook fans, and over 1.4 million people visited the Real Madrid Museum in 2014 alone. …
Our plant-based imprint, BenBella Vegan, has got some exciting project on the horizon—a revised and expanded edition of The China Study, a new China Study–compliant cookbook for families, a beautiful cookbook from a blogger-turned-author, and many more. One particularly notable title can now be included on this list:
The PlantPure Kitchen: 130 Mouthwatering, …
Psychologists and researchers have long said that staying with a partner who struggles with an addiction—whether it be with drugs, alcohol, or addictive behaviors—actually enables their destructive behavior, and leaves the supportive partner helplessly codependent. But new research indicates that that might not always be the case.
In When Your Partner Has an Addiction, …
Nancy Grace’s new Hailey Dean mystery novel Murder in the Courthouse has only been out since Tuesday, but she’s hit the ground running since then with media appearances and book signings, and she’s only just getting started:
With Golden Globe winner Taraji P. Henson at GMA
With more media appearances lined up and a Hallmark original movie based on the characters in her Hailey Dean series set to air on Sunday, …
Today’s diet and health landscape is more complicated than ever before. With the abundance of fad diets, conflicting advice about what’s really best for our health, and the growing rampancy of food intolerances and allergens, making good dietary decisions has become an overwhelming undertaking for those looking to nourish their bodies simply but effectively.
Enter Diana Keuilian, …
Finding a job today is more challenging than ever before. What was once as simple as handing in a resume is now complicated by an ever-growing number of factors: technology, a rapidly evolving job market, increased competition, and much more. The traditional job-search approaches just don’t cut it anymore, and we need a practical, comprehensive guide to navigating the job-hunt landscape. …
Very exciting news here at BenBella: we are coming out with a revised and expanded edition of The China Study (written by Dr. T. Colin Campbell and Dr. Thomas Campbell) on December 27th! In the more than ten years since its original release, The China Study has sold over 2 million copies worldwide and impacted countless more lives; …