In the midst of a devastating financial situation, Barbara Stanny’s life changed when she interviewed successful business women for a freelance assignment and felt inspired by their wisdom and experiences.
Now a leading expert on women and money, Stanny travels the country educating women about finances. Her goal? To empower women financially. She shares her story and her extensive research to help women find success. Through her work, she also discovered that even though modern women are more educated and involved in financial decisions, the majority do not feel financially secure. Stanny recognized the issue: Women lack collective wisdom on wealth and power. What’s more, many women actually fear power and usually think of it in different terms than men. For women, Stanny found, power is often defined by discovering their true selves and helping others rather than just money or status.
Through her seminars, coaching, and writing, Stanny helps women “get smart about money” and unlock their potential. Her previous titles include Prince Charming Isn’t Coming, Secrets of Six Figure Women, and Overcoming Underearning.
BenBella is delighted to announce Stanny’s upcoming book Sacred Success®, where she shares the formula to help women make their own path toward a powerful and enriched life. In her own words, “In place of pushing women to pursue power in traditional fashion, Sacred Success® seeks to redefine power from a feminine perspective. The ultimate goal is to achieve Greatness, which requires us to become the powerful force we were born to be.” In this mindset, money is “a tool for creating the life we want to live, according to our feminine traits, authentic truths, and personal mission.” The book offers four stages that form a “Rite of Passage for women into their power” and include Stanny’s guidance, insights, and exercises. We are excited to be collaborating with Barbara Stanny on this wonderful book!