Check out this terrific New York Post article featuring Bob Zmuda, author of Andy Kaufman: The Truth, Finally! In the book, Zmuda, who was one of Andy’s best friends, explains why he believes Andy really did fake his own death.
The article includes several great quotes from the book, such as:
“Maybe I’ll just stick with cancer,” Kaufman said, after which Zmuda asked how long he planned to stay dead. He said, “If I was going to be a little boy about it, I’d go into hiding for one or two years. But if I was going to be a man about it, it’d be 20 or 30 years.”
And later
Toward the end of the book, Zmuda recalls how at Kaufman’s funeral, he “didn’t shed a tear” but “had to bite my lip a few times to keep from exploding in laughter.” “Everyone was expecting Andy to jump out of the casket at any time,” he says.
Andy Kaufman is available for sale online and in stores now!