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Yes, Your Kid

By Debby Herbenick, Ph.D., Susan Stone, Esq. and Kristina Supler, Esq.


A crash course for parents on talking to teens and older kids about sex in order to keepย  them healthy, happy, and safeโ€”and how to do it so in a way to haveย  your kids listen.

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ISBN: 9781637743805

Publication Date: November 2023

ISBN: 9781637743812

Publication Date: November 2023

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Parents of teenagers and young adults have enormous catching up to do to understand how sexting, internet porn, TikTok, and more have shaped sex for young people.

Too often, parents wear blinders when it comes to the sex lives of their children. They hear the statisticsโ€”how 80% of college students have engaged in rough sex or how one in four teens have sent or received a sextโ€”and think, โ€œNot my kid.โ€

Yes, Your Kid is the reality check parents need about what sex is like todayโ€”so they can better educate and support their tweens, teens, and college students.

Combining insights from cutting-edge research, conversations with real students, and on-the-ground legal experience, Yes, Your Kid provides:

  • An overview of key topics in sexuality, from communication and consent to pornography and rough sex, describing how things have changed
  • Real-world legal stories illustrating todayโ€™s consensual sex pitfalls and clear tips for how to help your child avoid them
  • Age-appropriate tools to talk with tweens and teens about bodies, puberty, technology, birth control, and consent
  • Concrete advice parents can share directly with their children so thatโ€”if and when their children become sexually active with partnersโ€”they are more likely to have safer, consensual sex
  • Inclusive sexuality education tips for parents of young people on the autism spectrum

Authoritative, supportive, sex-positive, and facts-forward, Yes, Your Kid provides parents with the frank, accurate information they and their children need to safely navigate todayโ€™s sexual landscape.

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About the Authors

Debby  Herbenick, Ph.D.

Debby Herbenick, PhD, is an award-winning, internationally recognized sexuality researcher and an AASECT-certified sexuality educator. She is a professor at the Indiana University School of Public Health and the author of five bestselling books about human sexuality. Dr. Herbenick is the lead investigator of the National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior, which has tracked sexual trends in the United States since 2009. Dr. Herbenick has been published in the Washington Post, New York Times, Menโ€™s Health magazine, and Glamour, among others, and she has provided expert opinions about sex on television shows such as Tyra, Katie, The Doctors, and The Tamron Hall Show. She was born and raised in Miami, Florida, and now lives in Bloomington, Indiana.

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Susan  Stone, Esq.

Susan Stone, Esq., has dedicated her life to helping students in crisis and meeting their legal needs. As cochair of the Student & Athlete Defense group at KJK law firm in Cleveland, Ohio, Susan handles matters ranging fromย special education issuesย to student disciplinary matters andย Title IX investigations, and has gained a national reputation forย representing students and professors in Title IX cases. Susan is certified in restorative justice, and has also guided students through informal resolution, including mediation and restorative justice. In addition, Susan proudly cohosts the podcast Real Talk with Susan and Kristina to discuss with outside guests cutting-edge issues affecting students.

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Kristina  Supler, Esq.

Kristina Supler, Esq. advocates for students of all ages during the most difficult periods in their lives. Her experience is regularly enlisted for cases involving reports of sexual assault, and her services are particularly sought after to navigate complex Title IX cases with a parallel criminal investigation. Kristina also helps students facing academic integrity violations and other types of student discipline.ย  She recognizes the emotional toll that cases take on families, and she brings empathy to her work.ย  Kristina understands the importance of alternative forms of dispute resolution in a variety of contexts.ย  Given the breadth of her legal experience, Kristina regularly writes and speaks on issues involving students and education.

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Publication Details

Format: Paperback

ISBN: 9781637743805

Dimensions: 6 x 9 x 1 in.

Weight: 1 lbs.

Publication Date: November 2023

Format: E-book (epub)

ISBN: 9781637743812

Publication Date: November 2023

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