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Bare Minimum Parenting

By James Breakwell


Internet parenting humorist James Breakwell, bestselling author of Only Dead on the Inside, returns with a tongue-in-cheek “how to” guide offering to help parents strive for mediocrity.

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ISBN: 9781946885326

Publication Date: November 2018

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This isnโ€™t a book about overachieving at parenting.

This isnโ€™t even a book about achieving exactly the right amount.

This is a book about doing as little as possible withoutย quiteย ruining your child.

Overachieving parents want you to believe the harder you work, the better your kid will turn out. That lie ends now.

The truth is most kids end up remarkably unremarkable no matter what you do, so you might as well achieve mediocrity by the easiest possible route. The goal of โ€œbare minimum parentingโ€ is to turn your child into a functional adult with only a fraction of the effort spent by super moms and dads.

If you do it right, your kid will be no better or worse off than their kids, but with more free time left for you. That’s more valuable than all the participation trophies in the world.

Inย Bare Minimum Parenting, amateur parenting expert James Breakwell will teach you to stop worrying and embrace your child’s destiny as devastatingly average. To get there, you’ll have to overcome your kid, other parents, and yourself, all of whom will push you to do more than is absolutely necessary. Honestly, by reading this far, youโ€™re already trying too hard. But don’t stop now. You’re exactly the kind of person who needs this book.

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About the Author

James  Breakwell

James Breakwell is a professional comedy writer and amateur father of four girls, ages eight and under. He is best known for his family humor Twitter account @XplodingUnicorn, which boasts more than a million followers. The account went viral in April 2016 and transformed James from a niche comedy writer into one of the most popular dads on social media.ย James has published three books, with several more planned for release in coming years. Only Dead on the Inside: A Parentโ€™s Guide to Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse offers useful advice for how to raise happy, healthy children in a world overrun by the undead. Bare Minimum Parenting: The Ultimate Guide to Not Quite Ruining Your Childย teaches regular moms and dads to best overachieving parents by doing less. How to Save Your Child from Ostrich Attacks, Accidental Time Travel, and Anything Else that Might Happen on an Average Tuesday is a guide for dealing with literally everything else. And most recently,ย Prance Like Nobodyโ€™s Watching isย a guided journal specifically for kids.

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Publication Details

Format: E-book (epub)

Format: Paperback

ISBN: 9781946885326

Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.25 x 1 in.

Weight: 1 lbs.

Publication Date: November 2018

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