KATU Television – Afternoon Live (Portland, OR) ― author appearance on March 28, 2017 [link updated]
KATU Television – AM Northwest (Portland, OR) ― interview on March 28, 2017 at 9 a.m. PST
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After seeing her own marriage transform, Laura set out to help other women do the same. In The Empowered Wife: Six Surprising Secrets for Attracting Your Husband’s Time, Attention, and Affection, you’ll learn Laura’s key secrets for a happy marriage, which have been used by over 150,000 women who have turned their unhappy marriages into blissful unions.
KATU Television – Afternoon Live (Portland, OR) ― author appearance on March 28, 2017 [link updated]
KATU Television – AM Northwest (Portland, OR) ― interview on March 28, 2017 at 9 a.m. PST
WJON-AM (St. Cloud, MN) — interview August 9, 2017
KNX-AM (Los Angeles, CA) — interview to air on June 17, 2017
Relationships 2.0 (national) — author interview on April 6, 2017 at 2 p.m. PST
Dr. Wendy Walsh – KFIAM-640 (Los Angeles) — author interview on March 12, ...
Radiant Health Show (podcast) interview on August 21, 2017
Trend Following with Mike Covel (podcast) — interview on August 15, 2017
Fear Not (podcast) — interview on August 8, 2017
Finding Your Summit (podcast) — author interview on July 21, ...