Michael D. Ozner, M.D., FACC, is a nationally renowned pioneer and advocate of preventive cardiology. Dr. Ozner earned his medical degree from the University of Miami School of Medicine and pursued a Cardiology Fellowship from Stanford University/Santa Clara Valley Medical Center in California. A board-certified cardiologist, Dr. Ozner is Fellow of the American College of Cardiology, and past chairman of the American Heart Association of Miami. He is Medical Director of Wellness and Prevention at Baptist Health South Florida, and Medical Director of the Cardiovascular Prevention Institute of South Florida. Dr. Ozner is also a Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine and Cardiology at the University of Miami School of Medicine.
A well-known national speaker and symposium director, Dr. Ozner has appeared widely on radio, television and in the print media speaking out against fad diets and the American way of eating. He is passionate about educating Americans on the benefits of adopting the well-studied and well-documented Mediterranean diet and lifestyle as a way to live longer, healthier lives free of heart disease and other diet-related conditions.