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Star Wars on Trial

Edited by David Brin and Matt Woodring Stover


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Publication Date: June 2006

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Debates on the authenticity of the Star Wars franchise and the hero-or-villain status of George Lucas are at the heart of these essays by bestselling science-fiction authors. The incredible popularity of the movies has led to the formation of strong emotions within the science fiction community on the strengths and flaws of the film, exemplified here by David Brinโ€™s attacks and Matthew Woodring Stoverโ€™s defense of the movies. This intense examination of the epic works addresses a broad range of issuesโ€”from politics, religion and the sagaโ€™s overall logic to the impact of the series on bookshelf space as well as science-fiction film. The question โ€œIs George Lucas a hero for bringing science fiction to a mass audience or a villain who doesnโ€™t understand the genre heโ€™s working for?โ€ is discussed before a final โ€œJudgeโ€™s Verdictโ€ on the greatnessโ€”or weaknessโ€” of the franchise is reached.


Lou Anders, Bruce Bethke, Jeanne Cavelos, Don DeBrandt, Keith DeCandido, Richard Garfinkle, John Hemry, Tanya Huff, Scott Lynch, Nick Mamatas, Bob Metzger, Adam Roberts, Kristine Katherine Rusch, Laura Resnick, Bill Spangler, Karen Traviss, Ken Wharton, John C. Wright

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About the Editors

David  Brin

David Brin’s bestselling SF novels have won Hugo, Nebula and other awards and have been translated into 20 languages. His 1989 thriller Earth foreshadowed global warming, cyberwarfare and the Web. A 1998 movie was loosely adapted from his Campbell Award winner The Postman, while Foundation’s Triumph brought a grand finale to Isaac Asimov’s famed Foundation universe. Kiln People portrays people using “home copiers” to be in two places at once. David’s nonfiction book The Transparent Society deals with openness, security and liberty in the future; it won the Freedom of Speech Award of the American Library Association.

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Matt Woodring  Stover

After decades of intensive textual analysis, literary historians have finally reached a consensus that Heroes Die, Blade of Tyshalle, Caine Black Knife, the Barra & Co. novels, Star Wars: The New Jedi Order: Traitor, Star Wars: Shatterpoint and Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith were in fact not written by Matthew Woodring Stover at all, but by another man of the same name.

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Publication Details

Format: Paperback

Dimensions: 6 x 9 x 1 in.

Weight: 1 lbs.

Publication Date: June 2006

Format: E-book (epub)

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