Charlie Starr

Charlie W. Starr teaches English, humanities and film at Kentucky Christian University in Eastern Kentucky where he also makes movies with his students and family. He writes articles, teaches Sunday school and has published three books, one on Romans, the second a sci-fi novel called The Heart of Light, and his third book, Honest to God, was released by Navpress in the summer of 2005. This anthology is the fifth Benbella Book to which Charlie has contributed. He enjoys writing, reading classic literature, watching bad television and movies of every kind. His areas of expertise as a teacher include literature, film and all things C. S. Lewis. Charlie describes his wife Becky as “a full-of-life, full-blood Cajun who can cook like one too.” They have two children: Bryan, who wants to be the next Steven Spielberg, and Alli, who plays a pretty mean piano.

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