Christine Kane

Christine Kane is the founder of Uplevel YOU, a leading multi-million dollar business-coaching company that specializes in teaching a unique “Strategy & Soul” approach that transforms creative entrepreneurs who are barely getting by into wildly successful business owners-on their terms. Uplevel YOU was a natural evolution from Christine’s 15-year career in the music industry. While she was producing seven CDs on her own label and selling more than 100,000 copies, she also tirelessly studied marketing, sales, psychology . . . and how not to take everything so freaking personally. Christine never had a single investor; she started both her music business and Uplevel YOU from scratch. Turns out, entrepreneurs and scrappy artists have a lot in common. She self-learned to do it all step-by-step and now shares this wisdom with her clients, so they finally get it, apply it, and, well, make sh*tloads more money. She lives in Asheville, NC, where she hikes, hugs trees, rescues far too many cats and dogs, and can back squat 200 pounds.

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