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Cry Wolf

By Paul Lake


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Publication Date: June 2008

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Cry Wolf is an Animal Farm for the 21st century: a brilliant allegory of the political challenges we face in post-9/11 America. The farm animalsโ€™ struggle to maintain their way of life against an influx of change is a powerful commentary on the importance of balancing freedom with justice, and on how easily even the best of intentions can destroy a community too caught up with what is โ€œfairโ€ to do what is right.

Lakeโ€™s novel raises questions of in the heart of every devoted citizen: Does political correctness ever trump law? Should safety ever be compromised for the sake of inclusion? Are big government and judicial systems tools to create order, or do they provide chaos?


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About the Author

Paul  Lake

Raised in Maryland, Paul Lake earned his undergraduate degree at Towson University and taught for two years at a Baltimore school. After receiving the Mirrielees Creative Writing Fellowship in Poetry, he earned his master’s degree in creative writing and English at Stanford University. Lake taught at University of Santa Clara in California for two years before moving to Arkansas to teach at Arkansas Teach University, where he is currently a professor of English and creative writing. In 1988, he won the Porter Prize for Literary Excellence, an annual prize given to one Arkansas writer each year, and now he is the poetry editor of First Things, a journal on current issues. He has two published books of poetry, Another Kind of Travel (Chicago) and Walking Backward (Story Line), and one previously published novel, Among the Immorals, a satirical thriller about poets and vampires in San Francisco. He lives in Russellville, Ark., with his wife Tina and their two children.

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Publication Details

Format: E-book (epub)

Format: Paperback

Dimensions: 6 x 9 x 1 in.

Weight: 1 lbs.

Publication Date: June 2008

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