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Are Returns Really So Bad?

We hear a lot about returnability as the BIG PROBLEM in publishing. Everyone hates returns, including me. But a little analysis shows that returns are not publishing’s big problem. Richard…

What is Quality?

I’m going to argue that success as a writer is going to get harder…unless you are very good, in which case it’s going to get easier. Quality is going to…

Three Ideas for Writing Your Book to Be Marketed…

…that will actually improve the editorial quality of your book. One, establish alliances with key influencers while developing the book. This can take many forms. It starts with identifying the…

The Power of the Physical

The world is getting more virtual every day. We spend increasingly less time with newspapers and books and more time with our kindles and our laptops. This means that we…

BenBella has a New Editor-in-Chief!

I’m so delighted to announce that Debbie Harmsen is joining BenBella as the new Editor-in-Chief, General Non-Fiction. A publishing veteran, Debbie has worked for magazines, newspapers, and books, most recently…

All Hail the Goddess Chattera

We are a non-denominational publishing house, but if we were to have a house deity, it would have to be goddess Chattera, who controls the mysterious forces of word of…