Bill Gordon is a lifelong fan of “Battlestar Galactica.” Thirteen years old when the series first aired, Bill joined the revival effort at age 14. While he has given up on a continuation, he holds out hope for a faithful remake. Bill is co-owner of the Tombs of Kobol (, the Internet’s premier site for original series information, as well as information on “X-Men” producer Tom DeSanto’s derailed 2001 continuation effort. In 2003, Bill served as president of the Colonial Fan Force, a group that raised $12,000 to take out pro-continuation ads in Daily Variety, Cinescape and Dreamwatch. In his non-Galactica life, Bill serves as a communications specialist at the Federal Aviation Administration in Washington D.C. He climbs onto the stages of various theatres in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area himself from time to time, and he believes that “Firefly”/“Serenity” (which he’d also like to see continued) constitutes the most innovative science fiction franchise since the original “Star Trek.” He subscribes to the following axiom, put forth by legendary television director/writer/producer Kenneth Johnson: “… execs need to re-imagine because they can’t simply imagine.”